Many of us roll through the month of January quite quickly. We’re wrapping up the holiday season and all the festivities and gatherings. Then come bowl games and playoffs and other things that tick off the days before we know it. Things gradually settle back down, and January draws to a close. The icy cold weather of January has settled in to stay as we find ourselves deep in the middle of a long Wisconsin winter. February is here, so it’s time to chase away that cold with a warm heart. February’s most celebrated holiday is Valentine’s Day, and what a great way to warm your heart by making the most of it. The American heart association jumped all over that statistic and wisely made February “American Heart Month” as well.
With that said, let’s embrace our hearts this month and fill them with warm goodness. Does that have to mean sappy romantic love, flowers and candy? Well, it sure can mean that, so if there is someone you love – be sure to let them know. You can never go wrong with flowers and chocolates. Does it have to be your sweetheart? Not at all!
Here’s some additional ideas that don’t include those traditions. I think you’ll find these suitable to share with anyone, sweetheart or not.
1. Write letters or send cards to those you care deeply about. They don’t need to be just “love” themed cards. It’s wonderful to share your love with those you love. Remember that Valentine’s Day is also a wonderful time to give “thank you” cards to people you interact with often. Try sending a note to someone dear to you that may not realize how much they matter. Hand deliver a note to a friend over a cup of coffee or tea. We all love to receive mail from family and friends and what better time than Valentine’s Day.
2. Organize a Valentines Day Potluck or “bake off”. All the beloved holidays of the previous months included great food, why can’t Valentine’s Day? A potluck shares the work, but still results in a family style feast, and who doesn’t love that? For bakers among us, Heart shaped cut out cookies or other themed baked goods sure won’t hurt and really do put us all in a warmer frame of mind. We all love the smell and taste of freshly baked goodies. Cranking up the stove or oven in the Winter always makes the kitchen nice and cozy too.
3. Plan a Valentines Day movie marathon with all the good movie fixings like hot buttered popcorn, candy and a big old cup of your favorite soft drink. If you’re the sappy type, go for the classic romantic comedies, and if you’re not how about an “old classics” marathon? As a footnote: For people our age, a movie “marathon” could be just one or two movies!
Embrace your inner cupid this February, and you’ll warm yourself and others, too!