When it comes to safe driving, it’s not age but ability that matters. Be aware of your changing abilities. It may be time to hang up the keys when any of the following occur:
Familiar places become difficult to locate.
You feel unsafe on the road.
Your health care provider has encouraged you to restrict or stop driving.
You’ve had several moving violations, near misses or actual crashes.
You find yourself inadvertently drifting into other lanes.
You feel anxious or confused by the presence of other drivers.
You have difficulty reading road signs.
Medicine you take makes you feel sleepy or dizzy.
Other drivers honk at you frequently.
Police, family or friends have expressed concern about your driving.
Useful Resources:
Transportation Options for Older Americans: Choices for Mobility Independence. This brochure describes various types of transportation services for older adults.http://www.eldercare.gov/ELDERCARE.NET/Public/Resources/Brochures/ docs/Trans_Options_Panels.pdf
National Center on Senior Transportation (NCST) Includes resources on transportation options for older adults. http://www.seniortransportation.net
AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. Website offers useful tips and tools for older drivers and their families. http://www.seniordrivers.org
Eldercare Locator. Find out what is available in your community by contacting the Eldercare Locator at 1-800-677-1116 or visit www.eldercare.gov.
Source: Administration on Aging – U.S. Department of Health and Human Services