Pears originated in southeastern Europe and were a favorite food for the ancient Greeks and Romans. The ancient Greek author Homer described them as “gifts from the gods.” They are a gift and how appropriate to celebrate them during December!
Pears are one of my favorite fruits. I have wonderful memories of climbing the pear trees on my family homestead farm to pick them. We would let them ripen on the porch. There is nothing better than a perfectly ripe pear with juice that drips down your arm. So many wonderful memories of us all working together in my grandma’s kitchen on canning day so we could enjoy them throughout the winter. I hope you have some fond memories for pears or create some this holiday season! The pear and cranberry crisp recipe on the next page is easy and delicious. The fiber in pears helps your digestion and heart health.
Select: Choose firm pears without cuts or bruises. Did you know that pears ripen at room temperature for best texture and taste. They are in season September thru May depending on the variety.
Storage: Once pears are ripe, use within 3 - 5 days or refrigerate to keep them longer.
Preparation: Always wash fresh produce under cool running water even if you plan to peel them. Peel or cut just before using to avoid browned flesh. You can also use lemon or citrus juice to help prevent the browning.
Recipe: Pear and Cranberry Crisp
• ½ cup old fashioned rolled oats
• 1 Tablespoon packed brown sugar
• 2 Tablespoons flour
• ¼ teaspoon cinnamon
• 2 Tablespoons applesauce
• 4 cups cubed pears (about 3 pears)
• 1 cup cranberries, fresh or frozen
• 1 Tablespoon cornstarch
• Wash hands with soap and water.
• Rinse or scrub fresh fruits under running water before preparing.
• In a medium bowl, combine oats, brown sugar, flour, cinnamon and applesauce.
• Combine pears, cranberries, and cornstarch in an 8x8-inch baking dish. Sprinkle with oat mixture.
• Bake uncovered at 400 degrees F until juices are bubbling and topping is browned, about 20 minutes.
• Refrigerate leftovers within 2 hours.
Try adding other spices such as nutmeg or cardamom.
Double the recipe to make a 9 x 13-inch version.
Recipes and photos used with permission from